Stress Related Psoriasis: Treatment Includes Counseling & Relaxation Techniques

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

The term stress related psoriasis refers to the connection that causes the exacerbation of the condition during periods of time in which a person is dealing with high levels of stress. According to medical research, stress is not the ‘cause’ of a person initially developing the condition, however it does act as a trigger that can worsen the symptoms.

If you suffer from increased psoriasis symptoms as a result of elevated stress, knowing how to relax can be a big aid in minimizing the effects of the condition and improving your overall quality of life.

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Stress and Stress Related Psoriasis


It is a known fact that stress does not cause psoriasis but rather it is a trigger that can worsen and cause a flare up of the already existent condition.

When a body experiences high levels of both physical and mental stress, it signals the brain to release chemicals called neuropeptides, which can, even in persons not suffering from this skin condition, cause pain and itching.

The skin itself is an organ, which has millions of individual nerve endings. Combining irritated nerve endings with the release of neuropeptides along with a standing case of psoriasis creates a very unpleasant, uncomfortable and itchy situation.

Psoriasis flare-ups caused by stress are no different than a regular flare up in terms of the fact that your body will need some extra care.

You can manage the heightened symptoms, however, in order to treat stress related psoriasis effectively, you need to learn ways to soothe and manage the stress that is exacerbating the condition.

Medical Treatment for Psoriasis

Doctors regularly use several treatments to treat patients who are suffering from psoriasis. Which treatment your doctor will prescribe will be dependent on the severity of your condition as well as any other medical conditions that you may have.

They will also take into consideration the type of psoriasis with which you are dealing as well as your age and the degree to which the condition is affecting your quality of life. Some of the various treatments include:

  • Topical Psoriasis Treatments – Topical creams, steroids and medications treat the skin for short and long term relief from mild to moderate psoriasis.
  • Systemic Psoriasis Treatments – Usually administered in the form of an oral medication or an under the skin injection, this variety of treatment treats moderate to severe cases of the condition.
  • Phototherapy Psoriasis Treatments – This variety of medical treatment uses ultraviolet light to break break down the areas of built up plaque on the skin, which provides relief from symptoms for the patient.

If you are suffering from a stress-induced increase of symptom severity, it is still important that you take your medications and undergo your treatments as normal to help keep the condition under control.

Coping with Elevated Stress

Unfortunately, due to the nature of this condition, elevated stress is often a reality. Persons suffering from moderate to severe psoriasis often face additional physical, emotional and social stresses caused by the effect that the condition has on their lives.

Having these patches of noticeably discolored and scaly skin can affect a person’s self esteem and make them highly anxious, especially an in social situation, which only feeds the causes of stress related psoriasis.

Knowing how to cope with these additional stressors will undoubtedly help in the treatment of the condition as it can prevent unnecessary stress-caused flare-ups.

Seek Counseling

If you are dealing with high levels of tension and stress in your life seeking counseling may be an effective means to help you cope with your troubles, lessening your stress and preventing stress flare ups.

Counselors can help you overcome your fears related to your condition as well as help you find a new perspective when it comes to your struggles and personal relationships.

Seek Treatment from a Doctor You Trust

If you feel that the treatment you have been receiving for your psoriasis is not giving you the results that you expected, it could be causing you additional stress.

It is important to seek the aid and treatment of a doctor who you can trust and who is willing to go the extra mile to help you find a solution to your everyday struggles with the condition, including those caused by stress related psoriasis.

Learn New Relaxation Techniques, like autogenic training.


Sometimes it is necessary to teach yourself easy methods that you can use relax and alleviate stress. Yoga, meditation, group therapies and even a regular exercise regimen can help you manage stress and bring your body back to a stable place, helping to prevent stress related psoriasis.

You may even want to schedule regular massages from a masseuse who is comfortable working on patients with skin conditions.

Unfortunately, for people dealing with moderate to severe cases of this condition, psoriasis and stress related psoriasis can be issues that create additional stresses and anxieties in a person’s life.

If you are looking to find relief from unnecessary flare ups caused by tension, visit your doctor to see if adjustments to your treatment can be made and see if they have any suggestions for ways that you can more easily cope with additional stresses.



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Stress-Related Psoriasis and other causes of psoriasis

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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases