Mild Plaque Psoriasis:
Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

People suffering from mild plaque psoriasis present recognizable thick, red patches, or “plaques” covering the skin that appear flaky and silvery-white due to an accumulation of dead skin cells. Plaque psoriasis commonly affects the knees, elbows, lower back, scalp and chest but can emerge anywhere on the body.

When an individual with plaque psoriasis scrapes the sores, they damage the leading level of dead skin cells off without much initiative. Ranges existing here the surface area of the sore adhere to each various other, adding to the thickness and also extent of light plaque psoriasis sores.

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mildplaquepsoriasisMild plaques Psoriasis

Following the appearance of red bumps, psoriasis symptoms develop quickly, resulting in:

  • Itchy, burning skin that cracks and bleeds. Scratching the lesions removes the top layer of capillaries, which causes bleeding.
  • Lesions can be light pink or dark red, depending on severity of inflammation and degree that the person affected scratches the lesions.
  • Psoriasis patches are generally circular, with some irregularity featured if patches are conjoined.
  • While most psoriasis lesions present the silvery scaliness that makes this disease so recognizable, some forms, such as genital psoriasis, may not.
  • A mild case of psoriasis is diagnosed when less than three percent of the body is covered with plaques. A dermatologist can determine whether a patient has mild, moderate or severe psoriasis. .

Causes of Mild Plaque Psoriasis Outbreaks

  • Dry and/or cold climate conditions
  • Too much sun or not enough
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Heredity
  • Experiencing stress, anxiety, depression or other mental issues
  • Suffering from an autoimmune disorder that further weakens the immune system such as cancer, AIDS, Crohn's disease or Lupus

Psoriasis is not a curable disease so once a person experiences a psoriasis flare-up, they will probably experience another one at some point in their life, depending on what type of stressor instigates an outbreak.

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Treatments for Mild Plaque Psoriasis

  • Calcipotriol and calcipotriene are synthetic derivatives of vitamin D that effectively treats plaque psoriasis. By inhibiting immune response to the psoriasis trigger and reducing excessive production of skin cells, these two drugs decrease scaling, swelling redness and density of plaques.
  • Although vitamin D derivatives successfully control psoriasis, a side effect of altering calcium metabolism sometimes results in patients experiencing dermatitis. Patients should also be aware that taking supplements containing ordinary vitamin D does not help eliminate psoriasis.
  • Dermatologists may recommend vitamin A derivatives for patients they think lack sufficient amounts of this vitamin.
  • Synthetic vitamin A medications such as etretinate and isotretinoin are commonly used to provide relief from debilitating symptoms of plaque psoriasis, especially when used in combination with psoralen-ultraviolet A (PUVA) and ultraviolet B light therapy. Long-term use of synthetic vitamin A is not suggested due to its ability to produce side effects such as conjunctivitis, bad headaches, bone abnormalities and arthritis.
  • In addition to treating plaque psoriasis with topical corticosteroids, ointments containing salicylic acid, coal tar and dithranol, doctors have also prescribed fatty acid supplements for psoriasis sufferers.
  • Research into levels of anti-inflammatory alpha-linolenic acid in the fat tissues and blood of psoriasis patients indicate that these levels are significantly reduced, while arachidonic acid amounts are elevated. Arachidonic acid is a known inflammatory agent and may have something to do with psoriasis flare-ups.

Some patients (up to 15 percent) with mild plaque psoriasis, (more informations about the causes. ) may develop psoriatic arthritis, especially if the psoriasis affects the nails or scalp. Psoriatic arthritis predominantly involves one side of the body but can affect both sides. Resembling rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, psoriatic arthritis symptoms include swollen, painful, feverish joints, in addition to the appearance and symptoms of psoriasis plaque lesions.



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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases