World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

Lestoil Psoriasis Debate:
Lestoil Degreaser Cleaner is Not a Psoriasis Treatment

A recent flare up in the world of psoriasis treatment, known as the Lestoil psoriasis case, occurred when an online doctor, who accepts medical questions about all sorts of ailments, mentioned Lestoil as a possible home remedy after hearing it second hand from one of his patients. Because of an incredible backlash from both the general public and various medical boards, the doctor wrote a retraction of the advice.

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The Lestoil Psoriasis Case


The focal point of the case is the cleaning product called Lestoil that The Clorox Company manufactures. It is a heavy duty cleaner, and as such, consists of caustic agents and alcohol, all of which dissolve tough stains, dirt and is even effective as a paint remover.

The product is very common in Latin America, and can be found in some stores in the U.S., in the South. Under no circumstances, is this product a medical aid in the U.S. nor in Europe, which is partly why the Lestoil psoriasis case is so controversial.

To understand why the Lestoil and psoriasis debate has created a large amount of concern in the medical community, it is important to have a basic understanding of psoriasis itself.

The disease is non-contagious and affects areas of the skin where little or no muscle is present, such as the kneecaps, elbows or fingertips. The symptoms include a raw look to the skin, swelling and skin being tender to the touch.

It is clear that a heavy-duty cleaner, such as named, is extremely harmful, especially when the safety label on the product itself says to avoid any contact with exposed skin. Doctors also claim that applying Lestoil to areas affected by psoriasis can increase the risk of infection, as the cleaner will remove the protective outer layers of skin.

The cleaning product also contains highly toxic fumes that can cause damage to the lungs, as well as triggering an allergic reaction, which in turn can increase psoriasis symptoms.

Lestoil psoriasis, more information about psoriasis medications

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More Effective Home Remedies

The reason why someone decided to try this product was to find some relief from the pain and itching, which psoriasis sufferers have to endure all of the time. The disease has no cure, and any medication will only help to alleviate the symptoms. For those who want to try to avoid large medical bills, the following home remedies will provide more relief than the Lestoil psoriasis treatment:

  • Dead Sea Salt – The most recent development in medically recommended home remedies is to use Dead Sea Salt in a bath. For centuries, the salt in the Dead Sea has treated all kinds of skin conditions as it nourishes the skin, as well as helping to gently exfoliate the excess dead cells.
  • Gentle exercise – One of the most common complaints from psoriasis sufferers is the feeling of tightness around their joints where too much skin accumulates and restricts the movement of blood and muscles around the body. Stretching exercises, such as Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi will all help to keep the skin more supple and improve the blood supply around the body.
  • Scale removal – Scale is the term for the build up of dead cells. Psoriasis sufferers will find relief in taking long hot baths to soften the scale, followed by a gentle rub all over to remove the excess dead skin. Be careful and do not tear or break the skin, as this can lead to infections.

The Lestoil psoriasis story is a simple and cautionary tale. Use Lestoil and other caustic substances when a sink needs unblocking or some paint needs removing, but keep all such cleaners and solvents away from exposed skin, especially skin suffering from psoriasis.



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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases