Medications used for genital psoriasis treatment differs from other psoriasis treatments because of the area it affects. The appearance of genital psoriasis contrasts from other psoriasis outbreaks as well, with lesions more smooth and redder than arm, leg and facial psoriasis. The silvery, thick scales of accumulated dead skin cells that distinguish psoriasis from other skin problems is lacking in genital psoriasis.
Referred to as inverse psoriasis, genital psoriasis affects regions below the waist, such as the upper thighs, groin and thigh crease, the pubis region, the genitals and the anal area. Because inverse psoriasis is non-scaly, reddish and itches, people frequently think they have some other disease, confusing genital psoriasis with hemorrhoids, yeast infections, pinworms and STDs.
Visiting a doctor is the only way
to determine whether the condition is actually genital psoriasis.
Obtaining a correct diagnosis will also facilitate a genital psoriasis
treatment that successfully eliminates the condition.
Because genital psoriasis occurs in areas of the body, which frequently rub together and remain warm and moist, more reasons for genital psoriasis flare-ups exist than reasons that trigger other psoriasis outbreaks, such as:
Treating all types of psoriasis with UV light is a standard procedure that reduces symptoms in nearly 80 percent of psoriasis patients. Several kinds of ultraviolet light therapy are offered that provides differing intensities of UV light emissions, such as broadband UVB, psoralen plus UVA and narrowband UVB. Patients also have the option of using Levia and Excimer lamp for home use as well.
When skin is directly flooded with ultraviolet wavelengths, DNA synthesis is disrupted, reducing the rapid growth of skin cells which comprises psoriasis plaques. UV light also causes T-lymphocytes to literally self-destruct. T-lymphocytes are responsible for the inflammation contributing to the spread of psoriasis plaques on the body.
People with genital psoriasis generally treat the affected areas with UV light about two to three times each week in a dermatology clinic. Prior to this kind of genital psoriasis treatment, patients are exposed to a minimum amount of UV light to determine how their skin will react.
Dermatologists do not want patients developing erythema, or skin reddening, since this may cause sunburn or indicate the development of an allergic reaction. Intensity of UV light is kept as low as possible while remaining as effective as possible, since some individuals are vulnerable to an increased skin cancer risk with exposure to UV light.
Frequently, retinoid ointments are used with UV light to keep light intensity to a minimum. All psoriasis patients receiving ultraviolet light therapy must monitor their skin for any signs of mole abnormalities or irregular growths.
Also known as Castellani's Paint, carbol fuchsin is a substance containing resorcinol, phenol, fuchsin and boric acid in a solution of water, acetone and alcohol that is "painted" directly on genital psoriasis patches to relieve itching and redness. It effectively treats various fungal infections affecting the skin, such as eczematous dermatitis, due to its antiseptic properties. In addition to being an excellent genital psoriasis treatment, Castellani's Paint is also a common mycobacterial stain or dye used in research laboratories to examine bacteria slides under extreme magnification.
Even though the appearance of genital psoriasis is not the same as
other types of psoriasis, many of the same provocations can trigger the
outbreak. For example, things like smoking, drinking excess amounts of
alcohol, not getting enough sleep, constant exposure to stress and
suffering depression or other mental illnesses can cause a genital
psoriasis outbreak. In addition to ultraviolet light therapy and
ointments, keeping the area dry and clean will enhance any kind of
genital psoriasis treatment used to eliminate the condition.
Click here to get helpful tips for living with genital psoriasis
Genital Psoriasis Treatment, more information
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