Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: More Treatments for the Most Common Type of Psoriasis

World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2024

Inspiring Hope and Empowering Individuals with Psoriasis

Chronic plaque psoriasis is the most common type of this ailment and therefore, has the most treatment options. Usually, a doctor can easily diagnose this form of psoriasis just by looking at it, although in some cases, a biopsy is necessary. This type of psoriasis tends to occur all over the body, causing the most irritation and frustration.

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What is it?

This kind of  psoriasis tends to come from hereditary genes and affects the skin cells responsible for creating new skin when the old skin dies and flakes.

However, some scientists believe this autoimmune disease begins when environmental factors, such as an allergy, trigger the genes that cause this problem. Other possible triggers include stress, infections and some medications as well as HIV, which almost always goes hand in hand with some form of psoriasis.

With chronic plaque, the first signs appear as lesions, which tend to bleed once the silvery scale flakes. Occurring in high quantities, these skin, or T-cells, give skin its white, dry appearance. This excess skin is responsible for causing irritation and uncomfortable symptoms.

SYMPTOMS of chronic plaque psoriasis

Chronic-Plaque-PsoriasisElbow with Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

One of the first symptoms of chronic plaque psoriasis is the discoloration on affected areas of skin. The red, sometimes blue patches tend to be larger than a quarter and sit elevated on the skin. These patches often appear in groups, which may be small or large depending on the severity of the outbreak and your overall health.

Most of the time, the plaque shows up as an oval shape but abnormal forms may also appear along with a ring outlining the infected area. In the case of large areas of infection, especially at joints, the skin often cracks, which leads to bleeding. On top of the red patches, skin is often silver or white, dry and scaly. Once the scales come off, the underlying skin has a smooth surface but maintains its red color and usually bleeds.

This kind of psoriasis could show up anywhere on the physical body however constantly shows up on both sides at the exact same time. Psoriasis consistently reveals up on both elbow joints as resisted to merely the left or best side. In addition, persistent plaque psoriasis might torment the scalp, a problem that develops oily, moist, ranges and also could cause a misdiagnosis, as its look corresponds to a kind of dermatitis.

In extreme situations, this situation of psoriasis could influence the nails, genital areas, butts, or in gaps, such as the underarm. These instances have the tendency to shed as well as itch greater than various other locations impacted with psoriasis.


You can find a number of treatments available to alleviate psoriasis symptoms, but not a cure. In treating psoriasis consisting of chronic plaque, topical ointments tend to be the most common of remedies. They work faster, have fewer side effects than most oral treatments and easily wash off if you have a bad reaction. For mild cases, you may avoid the doctor and costly prescriptions by using over-the-counter ointments.

For serious cases or as a secondary means of treatment, doctors may prescribe oral medications. The side effects tend to be greater than those of ointments, as pills sometimes lead to organ damage or failure when used for prolonged periods. Still, the benefits of pills, when used correctly, under the supervision of a doctor and for a short amount of time, are quite good. Pills tend to have more potency than ointments, thereby making them more effective.

Additionally, you may also choose to treat your chronic plaque psoriasis with medicated body wash, shampoo, conditioner, sea salts or other natural remedies. Increasing your daily intake of certain vitamins, such as vitamin A, and living a healthy lifestyle also strongly contributes to your chances of battling this disease.



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Chronic plaque psoriasis, get more information on types of psoriasis

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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases